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Welcome to the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club Website!

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No login is required for general website access, although some information is restricted to members only.
  Click on the page titles above for more specific information.

Non-members can attend 1 hike before joining.  If you are a non-member who is interested in taking a hike, click here to send an email to our chief guide or send an email to Someone will get back to you to discuss which hikes would be most appropriate. As always, safety is our top priority

Hello SaddleBrooke Hikers,

The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club has six-hundred energetic, enthusiastic members whose passion is hiking the Sonoran Desert, grand canyons, gentle hills and magnificent mountains of Southern Arizona.  This is a wonderfully diverse ecosystem. Although the club gathers periodically for programs, picnics, and trail workdays, the main activity and focus is hiking in Arizona. Additionally, four walking tours are also offered that cover downtown Tucson murals, the Barrio Viejo, downtown Tucson history, and the University of Arizona campus.
Membership in the club is open to all SaddleBrooke residents for $15 a year.  If you are a resident, you must be a member to hike with the club, although you may hike one time without joining.  Non-resident guests may join a hike as a guest on a space available basis when accompanied by a member.  Hikes are led by club member guides who choose from the club’s database of almost 500 hikes or propose their own at the hiking guide meetings.  Hikes are graded according to difficulty and vary from easy strolls to strenuous, challenging climbs.
The club generally plans hiking trips to various Southwest areas (Arizona or neighboring states) once or twice a year with multiple hikes over several days.
Fitness walks around SaddleBrooke are led Monday through Friday mornings and generally cover 3-4 miles.  Click on the following link for more information: Fitness Walks 
Please visit the HIKER INFORMATION section of this website for more information about hiking with our club. If you wish to join the club, please click on the following link to start the registration and payment process: Join SBHC   
Please understand that this site and the information posted on it is designated solely for the use of our club members. We strive to ensure the accuracy of our hike database but caution that it is intended for use by our guides.
We look forward to seeing you on our hikes! Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
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