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HomeGeneral Hiker Info


Welcome to the SaddleBrooke Hiking Club. Please take the time to review this information about our club. The “Hiker Information” section of the website has very useful information regarding hiking in the desert southwest. The club's bi monthly newsletter is published six times a year (i.e. Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr) and includes interesting articles on hiking in Arizona and upcoming special events. The “Contacts Us” section on the website identifies the many club volunteers including club leaders and guides and has their telephone and email addresses. Members are notified by email when a new newsletter is published and periodically for other club activities. We look forward to meeting you.

Hike Reservations: Click on the 'Hikes Calendar' to view all of the hikes for the next couple of months. If a hike looks interesting to you click on the hike name in the calendar which will show the hike details page for the hike.  If you wish to join the hike click on the 'Register Now' button in the upper right corner of the page.

Some popular hikes do fill up, and guides make the determination of how many hikers they feel are appropriate for them to lead. If the guide tells you that the hike is full, please respect that decision.

During the registration process for the hike, the system will ask if you would be available to drive and whether or not you have a 'park entry pass' for the area if one is needed.

If you are unable to go on the hike after making a reservation, cancel your registration by going back to the hike details page and clicking the 'Cancel Registration' button.  If you have to cancel the morning of the hike please contact the guide directly so that the group does not have to wait for you.

On the Trail: In the field the guide is the hike leader and her/his decisions should be followed by the entire group.

Choosing Hikes: Hikes are more difficult than walks in SaddleBrooke because of the elevation change and our Arizona terrain. It is not unusual to encounter rocks, unsteady ground, and steep inclines. It is your responsibility to choose an appropriate hike that matches your physical abilities. The hike description is a great tool. Look closely at the length, elevation change, and comments in the description to determine if a hike is within your physical ability. If you aren’t feeling “up to snuff” on the day of the hike, don’t hesitate to cancel until a better day. If you do cancel, please let the guide know!

Medical Conditions and/or concerns about a hike: If you are signing up with a guide who has not hiked with you before that guide will ask you a series of questions about your previous hiking experience, general fitness, and whether you have any medical conditions or issues about which the guide should be aware. Please don’t take offence at these questions. It is vital that the guide understand these facts to determine if the hike is right for you. At this time, if you have any questions about the type of trail (rocky, steepness, etc.) elevation change, altitude or your ability to do the hike, talk to the guide about the hike. If the guide feels that the hike is beyond your abilities he/she may suggest that you not attempt it. Please understand that your safety and the safety of the entire group are the primary concern of the guides, and respect that decision. The SBHC offers a variety of hikes that may be a better fit.

Arrival Time and Departure Area: The time listed for the hike is the departure time. It is important to arrive 10 to 15 minutes before departure time. All hikes leave from the left front parking lot of the MountainView Clubhouse (just east of the tennis courts) unless otherwise noted.

Voluntary Driver Donations: Voluntary driver donations are shown in the description of the hike. If there are two entries under driver donation, for example $7 + $2, the first is for the driver and the second for any required entry and/or parking fee. If a state park pass is used for entry, the second amount should be given to the pass holder (whether he/she is the driver or not). Other persons in the vehicle who also hold park passes would not be responsible for the second amount. Note, that some hikes may require additional fees. Guides may also wish to split costs between drivers for drop--offs and/or unequal passenger loads. Small bills are appreciated. Since a driver may not have change, we would ask that if you see two entries for the driver donation, you try to have the exact change for each. Due to automobile insurance coverage considerations, it is recommended that any payment to the driver be made upon return to MountainView.

Items to Bring: Each hiker is expected to be self--sufficient for the duration of the outing. Every hiker should wear a name tag and carry identification with any medical alerts in a waterproof container. The SBHC will give each hiker a bright yellow name tag blank and medical form to be filled out by hiker along with a plastic sleeve & luggage tag loop for attachment to your hiking pack. Please ask your guide about acquiring it. Always bring ample water (this can vary from a pint on a winter fitness walk to 3 or 4 quarts on a summer hike). On strenuous hikes or in very hot weather you may need to replace electrolytes (eat salty snacks, add electrolyte mix to water, or use sport drinks). A wide brimmed hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, and hiking stick or trekking poles are recommended in Arizona. Other suggested items include comfortable hiking boots, whistle, map, compass, tweezers, first--aid kit, and moleskin. Layered clothing works well due to possible changes in weather conditions. In addition, you should bring a snack or lunch depending upon the hike. High complex carbohydrates (nuts, trail mix, and etc.) are good. It is very important to always carry “Essential Medications”, and we recommend that you share this information with your guide who will handle it confidentially.

Assumption of Risk: When you joined the club, you were asked to sign a “Release of Liability”. You will also need to sign each hike sheet noting this “Release of Liability”. We want to reinforce the fact that by signing the release you acknowledge that participation in the club's activities involves an inherent risk of physical injury and that you assume all such risks. Accidents can happen. Learn about the risks and how to avoid them. Take an active part in protecting yourself and fellow hikers. We are an organization of volunteers who share their skills and love for the wilderness with one another.

If you have further questions please visit our website or contact any club official. They are listed under the Contacts Us section on our website as explained in the first paragraph.