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HomeEvents[B] Fifty-Year Trail to Sutherland Trail -- CANCELED

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Only 10 Spot(s) Left
[B] Fifty-Year Trail to Sutherland Trail -- CANCELED

About this event

Fifty-Year Trail to Sutherland Trail. Rating: B. Pace: Moderate [187, 08:00 AM, $2 + $2]. The hike begins at the Catalina State Park Equestrian Center and proceeds north along the Fifty-Year Trail. Hikers turn left onto an unmarked trail and proceed along ridges and across the wash until connecting again with the Fifty-Year Trail. There is a sign at the intersection. The hike continues along the Fifty-Year Trail to the intersection of the Sutherland Trail Link. There is a good place to take a break at the wash. The return trip stays on the Fifty-Year Trail back to the wash. Hike 8.5 miles; trailhead elevation 2700 feet; net elevation change 600 feet; accumulated gain __ feet; RTD 24 miles.

Date and Time

Sunday, January 19, 2025, 8:00 AM Mountain Time (Arizona) (UTC-07:00)


Catalina State Park


Cathy Meyer


B Hike

Registration Info

Registration is not Required
Please arrive at the MountainView parking lot at least 15 minutes prior to departure. Bring at least 2 liters of water and snacks/lunch.


10 Total Slots
10 Available Slot(s)