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Saddlebrooke Hiking Club Trip - Page, Arizona - April 16-18, 2024

Dale Leman | Published on 11/28/2023
There has been a robust response from our hiking club members for the Page trip. To ensure we have enough guides for all those who wish to participate we have established a cap of 90 participants. We have reached that cap and have started a waitlist (currently 15 on the list).

On past trips we have experienced quite a few cancellations before the trip date (no surprise, we are an older group, dynamics change, and the trip is months away). Thus, these totals may change. Please notify us if you are on the travel list or waitlist and your plans have changed, or if you wish to join the waitlist.

Thank you. Dale Leman, Trip Leader.

Page, Arizona, was chosen for the Club’s Spring 2024 Hiking Club trip. Hiking dates will be April 16, 17, and 18, 2024.

The city lies 384 miles north of SaddleBrooke, about a 6-hour drive. Average high temperature in April ranges from 65-70 degrees, and average low range from 35-40 degrees. The area gets little rain. We anticipate Ideal hiking weather.

The area around Page offers many hiking opportunities at all levels, from easy walks to more difficult hikes. Ruth Caldwell agreed to manage the hikes and coordinate with our volunteer hiking guides.

The final hiking schedule will be emailed to all participants. The schedule will be determined by the number of hikers and the number of guides. The schedule will include a hike description, hike difficulty (A, B, C, or D), distance, elevation gain, meet up time, meet up location, etc. Sign up for hikes will be approximately two months before the trip. Also, many excursions are available in the area for non-hikers.

The area offers numerous lodging options from major chains to camping and RV options. We have not designated a specific hotel for this event - each participant will make their own arrangements. Most participates will want to arrive on Monday, April 15, and depart Friday, April 19.

There will be a pre-trip potluck in early April. At that event hiking guides will be available to answer your questions about the hikes. Ruth Leman will coordinate the potluck and communicate with participants in advance.

We are planning an optional hiking Club dinner while in Page. More information will be sent out in the future, regarding time, location, and date.