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Ruth Caldwell | Published on 2/14/2024

What makes a great club? – That would be the Volunteer Member Leaders that are willing to devote time and effort on behalf of all the members to move the club forward.


The SaddleBrooke Hiking Club is a “standout” in that respect with guides, committee leaders, hiking members, and board members who have said “Yes” when asked to step forth. Still, among those individuals are names that you see time and again promoting and doing the work of the club.


We have two categories denoting “special recognition” for members who have excelled in their support of club activities.


  • The “Pioneers” who helped establish the club and are persons who significantly worked to develop the club we know today.
  • The “Trailblazers” who are members who have participated and significantly contributed to the ongoing success of the SBHC.


Each spring we recognize the special efforts of those members by naming them SaddleBrooke Hiking Club “Trailblazers” and honor them.


What is a SaddleBrooke Hiking Club “Trailblazer”? - A member whose efforts in support of the club are defined by the following criteria:


  • For meritorious service above and beyond simply being a member of the hiking club,
  • For performing duties greater than expected, and
For exhibiting leadership that we all admire.

The 2024 Trailblazer Awardees are:

Frank Earnest - Guide, Former Chief-Guide, Trip Director, and Guide First Aid Class Instructor.

Ray Peale - Guide, Former Club Treasurer, and Co-coordinator/leader of the Arizona Trail Work sessions.

These two members exemplify by their efforts toward the core elements of our club that define us and make us successful:  Great Hikes, Interesting and Fun Hiking Trips, and Education for our Guides and Community Service.


Please say “Thank You” when you next see them. Also, please read the other names on the plaque and share your appreciation for their efforts. There are many other people not named here that have also contributed to the club’s success - Each guide and every committee member who has volunteered, both present and past.